admin 發表於 2022-6-21 17:15:32

視频-技術犯规 過激動作:将牙套扔向记分台

視频-技能犯规 公然動作:将牙套扔向记分台


This is an example of a Technical Foul for an overt gesture that exceeds the “Respect for the Game” guidelines. Players can react to calls with which they disagree, provided the reaction is not overly demonstrative, disrespectful, or pro信用版申請,longed. On this play, the offending player throws his mouth piece at the scorer’s table, several moments after his initial display of anger and following plenty of time 運彩最低投注,to regain his composure. Had the mouth piece been thr治療後腳跟痛,own into the stands in a comparable manner, the player would be ejected.
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